JDFTx  1.0.0
Density of states

In this section, we'll learn how to calculate the total density of states (both local and total) using JDFTx.

Total Density of States – Silicon

The first system we will look at is Silicon. Silicon is a semiconductor with a diamond lattice. Here is the input file:

#---------------- Total DOS of Silicon ------------------
lattice \
    0   0.5 0.5 \
    0.5 0   0.5 \
    0.5 0.5 0

latt-scale 10.263 10.263 10.263

ion-species Si.fhi

coords-type lattice    
ion Si  0.125  0.125  0.125 0
ion Si -0.125 -0.125 -0.125 0

kpoint-folding 12 12 12

elec-ex-corr gga

dump-name silicon.$VAR

density-of-states Total

As you see, there is very little you have to change in the input file to do a DOS calculation. The output, dumped into silicon.dos, will be a file of this form

"Energy"    "Total"
-2.452595908623653e-01      0.000000000000000e+00
-2.452595908623653e-01      1.985389076965883e-01
-2.419416664205766e-01      5.967466162011501e-01
-2.419393745011055e-01      2.951626975536481e+00
-2.408308695225579e-01      2.978328525183836e+00
-2.364378672160734e-01      3.417438729805059e+00
-2.364352613843460e-01      4.748327506650917e+00
-2.331377289563245e-01      5.073314563854836e+00
-2.331331085433860e-01      5.494152954370364e+00
-2.320892138049616e-01      5.218672040590314e+00
.                       .
.                       .
.                       .

The first line in the file is a header. It tells you what is in each column. In this case, the first column is the energy (in Hartree) and the second one is the density of states (per Hartree) at that energy.

Here is a plot of what we got:

The density of states is properly normalized. If you integrate it, you will get the total number of bands in your calculation. If you are using the density of electrons (i.e. Occupied DOS, see next paragraph), the integral will give you the total number of electrons.

Here is an important detail: Unless you specify otherwise, JDFTx will output the density of states, not the density of electrons. For fully occupied bands, they are the same. But if you have empty bands in your calculation, the density of electrons can be different from the density of states. In such cases, you can use

density-of-states Occupied Total

to get the density of electrons at each energy.

Local Density of States – p orbitals in Graphene

In JDFTx, calculating the local density of states is as easy as calculating the total one!

In this exercise, we will calculate the occupied local density of states of graphene. If you don't know what graphene is, here is the wikipedia page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphene

Graphene is a 2D material, meaning that all atoms lie in a 2D plane. Because of this, the in-plane p orbital (px and py) are different than out-of-plane p orbital. We can see this very easily by projecting the DOS to these orbitals in each atom.

Here is the input file that does this. We'll use a dense (24x24x1) kpoint sampling to get a good, high-resolution, density of states.

lattice \
0.5                  0.5                0 \
-0.866025403784439   0.866025403784439  0 \
0                    0                  1    

latt-scale 4.649 4.649 20 # This just scales each lattice vector.
                          # latt-scale-z is high to avoid interlayer interactions

ion-species C.fhi

coords-type lattice
ion C 0 0 0    0
ion C 0.33333333333 0.66666666667 0   0

dump-name graphene.$VAR

kpoint-folding 24 24 1 # Since the material is 2D, we don't need k-point in z

elec-ex-corr gga

density-of-states \
    Total \
    Orbital  C 1   s \ 
    Orbital  C 1   px \
    Orbital  C 1   py \
    Orbital  C 1   pz \

If you look at the density-of-states command, you will see that it is now made up from multiple lines. Each line adds another column in the graphene.dos file. In this case, we have added the s, px, py and pz orbitals of the 1st carbon atom. Lets plot the p orbitals (columns 3 to 5):

As you can see, pz orbital has greater contributions to higher energy bands than the in-plane px and py orbitals. This is an expected result. The in-plane p orbitals form sigma bonds whereas the out-of-plane pz orbitals from a pi bonds.

Here is a fun mental exercise: According to this calculation, px and py are very similar, but not exactly equivalent. Since they are both in-plane, shouldn't they be equivalent? (Hint: What symmetries does graphene have in-plane?)

The local density of states is not restricted to projecting to atomic orbitals. JDFTx can also project to arbitrary regions in real-space. These options are Slice, Sphere, AtomSlice, AtomSphere and File. You can look at the template (jdftx -t) to see how they are used.

Tips & Tricks

If you are a gnuplot user, it is very simple to plot JDFTx .dos files! In general only 2 lines of code suffice! For example, the graphene example can be plotted using

set key autotitle columnhead
plot for [i=4:6] "silicon.dos" u 1:i w l

If you are interested in how the density of states is computed, check out this reference: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pssb.2220540211/abstract