JDFTx  1.1.0
ExCorr Member List

This is the complete list of members for ExCorr, including all inherited members.

CommandElecExCorr (defined in ExCorr)ExCorrfriend
CommandFluidExCorr (defined in ExCorr)ExCorrfriend
ExCorr(ExCorrType exCorrType=ExCorrGGA_PBE, KineticType kineticType=KineticNone) (defined in ExCorr)ExCorr
exxFactor() const ExCorr
exxRange() const ExCorr
getName() const ExCorr
getSecondDerivatives(const ScalarField &n, ScalarField &e_nn, ScalarField &e_sigma, ScalarField &e_nsigma, ScalarField &e_sigmasigma, double nCut=1e-4) const ExCorr
hasEnergy() const ExCorr
needsKEdensity() const ExCorr
operator()(const ScalarFieldArray &n, ScalarFieldArray *Vxc=0, IncludeTXC includeTXC=IncludeTXC(), const ScalarFieldArray *tau=0, ScalarFieldArray *Vtau=0) const ExCorr
operator()(const ScalarField &n, ScalarField *Vxc=0, IncludeTXC includeTXC=IncludeTXC(), const ScalarField *tau=0, ScalarField *Vtau=0) const ExCorr
orbitalDep (defined in ExCorr)ExCorr
setup(const Everything &)ExCorr