JDFTx  1.2.0
1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------
2 Copyright 2011 Ravishankar Sundararaman
4 This file is part of JDFTx.
6 JDFTx is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9 (at your option) any later version.
11 JDFTx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 GNU General Public License for more details.
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 along with JDFTx. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
23 #include <vector>
24 #include <core/matrix3.h>
25 #include <core/tensor3.h>
27 __hostanddev__ void tensorKernel_calc(int i, const vector3<int> iG, bool nyq, const matrix3<> G,
28  const complex* nTilde, tensor3<complex*> mTilde)
29 { complex minus_nTilde = nyq ? complex(0,0) : -nTilde[i];
30  vector3<> Gvec = iG*G;
31  double Gsq = Gvec.length_squared();
32  mTilde.xy()[i] = minus_nTilde*Gvec.x()*Gvec.y();
33  mTilde.yz()[i] = minus_nTilde*Gvec.y()*Gvec.z();
34  mTilde.zx()[i] = minus_nTilde*Gvec.z()*Gvec.x();
35  mTilde.xxr()[i] = minus_nTilde*(Gvec.x()*Gvec.x() - (1.0/3)*Gsq);
36  mTilde.yyr()[i] = minus_nTilde*(Gvec.y()*Gvec.y() - (1.0/3)*Gsq);
37 }
39 __hostanddev__ void tensorKernel_grad_calc(int i, const vector3<int> iG, bool nyq, const matrix3<> G,
40  tensor3<const complex*> grad_mTilde, complex* grad_nTilde)
41 { complex temp = complex(0,0);
42  if(!nyq)
43  { vector3<> Gvec = iG*G;
44  double Gsq = Gvec.length_squared();
45  temp += grad_mTilde.xy()[i]*Gvec.x()*Gvec.y();
46  temp += grad_mTilde.yz()[i]*Gvec.y()*Gvec.z();
47  temp += grad_mTilde.zx()[i]*Gvec.z()*Gvec.x();
48  temp += grad_mTilde.xxr()[i]*(Gvec.x()*Gvec.x() - (1.0/3)*Gsq);
49  temp += grad_mTilde.yyr()[i]*(Gvec.y()*Gvec.y() - (1.0/3)*Gsq);
50  }
51  grad_nTilde[i] = -temp;
52 }
54 //Compute vT*m*v for a vector v and a symmetric traceless tensor m
55 __hostanddev__ double mul_vTmv(const tensor3<>& m, const vector3<>& v)
56 { return 2*(m.xy()*v.x()*v.y() + m.yz()*v.y()*v.z() + m.zx()*v.z()*v.x())
57  + m.xxr()*v.x()*v.x() + m.yyr()*v.y()*v.y() - (m.xxr()+m.yyr())*v.z()*v.z();
58 }
59 //Accumulate gradient of above function
60 __hostanddev__ void mul_vTmv_grad(const double grad_mul, const tensor3<>& m, const vector3<>& v,
61  tensor3<>& grad_m, vector3<>& grad_v)
62 { grad_m.xy() += (2*grad_mul)*v.x()*v.y();
63  grad_m.yz() += (2*grad_mul)*v.y()*v.z();
64  grad_m.zx() += (2*grad_mul)*v.z()*v.x();
65  grad_m.xxr() += grad_mul*(v.x()*v.x()-v.z()*v.z());
66  grad_m.yyr() += grad_mul*(v.y()*v.y()-v.z()*v.z());
67  grad_v.x() += (2*grad_mul)*(m.xy()*v.y() + m.zx()*v.z() + m.xxr()*v.x());
68  grad_v.y() += (2*grad_mul)*(m.xy()*v.x() + m.yz()*v.z() + m.yyr()*v.y());
69  grad_v.z() += (2*grad_mul)*(m.yz()*v.y() + m.zx()*v.x()- (m.xxr()+m.yyr())*v.z());
70 }
73 //Compute tr(m^3) for a symmetric traceless tensor m (See ~/Water1D/FMT_tensorWeights.m for expressions)
74 __hostanddev__ double trace_cubed(const tensor3<>& m)
75 { return -3.0 * (-2.0*m.xy()*m.yz()*m.zx() + pow(m.yz(),2)*m.xxr() - pow(m.xy(),2)*(m.xxr()+m.yyr()) + m.yyr()*(pow(m.zx(),2)+m.xxr()*(m.xxr()+m.yyr())));
76 }
77 //Accumulate gradient of above function
78 __hostanddev__ void trace_cubed_grad(const double grad_trace, const tensor3<>& m, tensor3<>& grad_m)
79 { grad_m.xy() += (6*grad_trace)* (m.yz()*m.zx()+m.xy()*(m.xxr()+m.yyr()));
80  grad_m.yz() += (6*grad_trace)* (m.xy()*m.zx()-m.yz()*m.xxr());
81  grad_m.zx() += (6*grad_trace)* (m.xy()*m.yz()-m.zx()*m.yyr());
82  grad_m.xxr() += (-3*grad_trace)* (-pow(m.xy(),2)+pow(m.yz(),2)+m.yyr()*(2*m.xxr()+m.yyr()));
83  grad_m.yyr() += (-3*grad_trace)* (-pow(m.xy(),2)+pow(m.zx(),2)+m.xxr()*(m.xxr()+2*m.yyr()));
84 }
86 //White-Bear mark II FMT scale functions (and derivatives) [replace with f2(x)=f3(x)=1 for standard Tarazona FMT]:
87 __hostanddev__ double WB_f2(double x, double& f2_x)
88 { if(x<0.002)
89  { f2_x = x*((2./9) + x*(3./18 + x*(4./30)));
90  return 1 + x*x*((1./9) + x*(1./18 + x*(1./30)));
91  }
92  else
93  { f2_x = (-1./3)*(x*(2+x) + 2*log(1-x)) / (x*x);
94  return 1 + (1./3)*(2-x + 2*(1-x)*log(1-x)/x);
95  }
96 }
97 __hostanddev__ double WB_f3(double x, double& f3_x)
98 { if(x<0.005)
99  { f3_x = -4./9 + x*(2./18 + x*(3./45 + x*(4./90)));
100  return 1 + x*(-4./9 + x*(1./18 + x*(1./45 + x*(1./90))));
101  }
102  else
103  { f3_x = 2*(1-x) * (x*(2+x) + 2*log(1-x)) / (3*x*x*x);
104  return 1 - (x*(2+x*(-3+x*2)) + 2*(1-x)*(1-x)*log(1-x)) / (3*x*x);
105  }
106 }
108 __hostanddev__ double phiFMT_calc(int i,
109  const double *n0arr, const double *n1arr, const double *n2arr, const double *n3arr,
111  double *grad_n0arr, double *grad_n1arr, double *grad_n2arr, double *grad_n3arr,
112  vector3<double*> grad_n1vArr, vector3<double*> grad_n2vArr, tensor3<double*> grad_n2mArr)
113 {
114  double n0 = n0arr[i];
115  double n1 = n1arr[i];
116  double n2 = n2arr[i];
117  double n3 = n3arr[i];
118  if(n0<0. || n1<0. || n2<0. || n3<0.) return 0.;
119  if(n3>=1.) return NAN;
120  vector3<> n1v = loadVector(n1vArr, i);
121  vector3<> n2v = loadVector(n2vArr, i);
122  tensor3<> n2m = loadTensor(n2mArr, i);
123  double tensorPart = mul_vTmv(n2m, n2v) - 0.5*trace_cubed(n2m);
125  double n1v_n2v = dot(n1v, n2v);
126  double n2vsq = n2v.length_squared();
127  double pole = 1./(1-n3); //The following is derived easily using: d(pole^N)/d(n3) = N pole^(N+1)
129  double f2prime, f2 = WB_f2(n3, f2prime), comb2 = (n1*n2-n1v_n2v);
130  double f3prime, f3 = WB_f3(n3, f3prime), comb3 = (n2*(n2*n2-3*n2vsq) + 9.*tensorPart);
131  double phi = n0*log(pole) + pole*(f2*comb2 + pole*((1./((24*M_PI)))*f3*comb3));
132  double phi_n0 = log(pole);
133  double phi_n1 = pole*(f2*n2);
134  double phi_n2 = pole*(f2*n1 + pole*((1./(8*M_PI))*f3*(n2*n2-n2vsq)));
135  double phi_n3 = pole*(n0 + pole*(f2*comb2 + pole*((1./(12*M_PI))*f3*comb3)))
136  + pole*(f2prime*comb2 + pole*((1./(24*M_PI))*f3prime*comb3));
137  vector3<> phi_n1v = (-pole*f2)*n2v;
138  vector3<> phi_n2v = (-pole)*(f2*n1v + (pole*f3*n2/(4*M_PI))*n2v );
139  double phi_tensorPart = pole*pole*f3*(9./(24*M_PI));
141  tensor3<> phi_n2m;
142  mul_vTmv_grad(phi_tensorPart, n2m, n2v, phi_n2m, phi_n2v);
143  trace_cubed_grad(-0.5*phi_tensorPart, n2m, phi_n2m);
144  accumTensor(phi_n2m, grad_n2mArr, i);
145  accumVector(phi_n2v, grad_n2vArr, i);
146  accumVector(phi_n1v, grad_n1vArr, i);
147  grad_n3arr[i] += phi_n3;
148  grad_n2arr[i] += phi_n2;
149  grad_n1arr[i] += phi_n1;
150  grad_n0arr[i] += phi_n0;
151  return phi;
152 }
154 __hostanddev__ double phiBond_calc(int i, double Rhm, double scale,
155  const double *n0arr, const double *n2arr, const double *n3arr, vector3<const double*> n2vArr,
156  double *grad_n0arr, double *grad_n2arr, double *grad_n3arr, vector3<double*> grad_n2vArr)
157 {
158  double n0 = n0arr[i];
159  double n2 = n2arr[i];
160  double n3 = n3arr[i];
161  if(n0<0. || n2<0. || n3<0.) return 0.;
162  double pole = 1.0/(1-n3); //The following is derived easily using: d(pole^N)/d(n3) = N pole^(N+1)
163  //Vector correction factor and derivatives:
164  vector3<> n2v = loadVector(n2vArr, i);
165  double n2vsq = n2v.length_squared();
166  double zeta = (n2<=0 || n2vsq>n2*n2) ? 0.0 : (1-n2vsq/(n2*n2));
167  double zeta_n2 = zeta ? 2*n2vsq/(n2*n2*n2) : 0.0;
168  vector3<> zeta_n2v = zeta ? (-2/(n2*n2))*n2v : vector3<>();
169  //Compute the contact correlation function and its derivatives:
170  double gContact = pole*(1 + zeta * pole*(Rhm*n2 + pole*(2.0/9)*pow(Rhm*n2,2) ));
171  double gContact_n2 = zeta * pow(pole,2)*(Rhm + pole*(4.0/9)*pow(Rhm,2)*n2 );
172  double gContact_n3 = pow(pole,2)*(1 + zeta * pole*(2*Rhm*n2 + pole*(6.0/9)*pow(Rhm*n2,2) ));
173  double gContact_zeta = pow(pole,2) * (Rhm*n2 + pole*(2.0/9)*pow(Rhm*n2,2) );
174  //Compute the bonding corrections and its derivatives:
175  double phi = -scale*n0*log(gContact);
176  double phi_n0 = -scale*log(gContact);
177  double phi_n2 = -scale*n0*gContact_n2/gContact;
178  double phi_n3 = -scale*n0*gContact_n3/gContact;
179  double phi_zeta = -scale*n0*gContact_zeta/gContact;
180  //Accumulate the gradients and return the answer:
181  grad_n0arr[i] += phi_n0;
182  grad_n2arr[i] += phi_n2 + phi_zeta * zeta_n2;
183  grad_n3arr[i] += phi_n3;
184  accumVector(phi_zeta * zeta_n2v, grad_n2vArr, i);
185  return phi;
186 }
ScalarField pow(const ScalarField &, double alpha)
Elementwise power (preserve input)
__hostanddev__ tensor3< scalar > loadTensor(const tensor3< const scalar * > &tArr, int i)
Load tensor from a constant tensor field.
Definition: tensor3.h:55
complex dot(const Tptr &X, const Tptr &Y)
Definition: Operators.h:196
__hostanddev__ scalar & xxr()
xxr = x^2 - r^2/3
Definition: tensor3.h:42
__hostanddev__ void accumVector(const vector3< scalar > &v, vector3< scalar * > &vArr, int i)
Accumulate vector onto a vector field.
Definition: vector3.h:175
__hostanddev__ scalar & yyr()
yyr = y^2-r^2/3
Definition: tensor3.h:43
ScalarField log(const ScalarField &)
Elementwise logarithm (preserve input)
Symmetric traceless rank-2 tensor in 3D.
Definition: tensor3.h:32
__hostanddev__ void accumTensor(const tensor3< scalar > &t, tensor3< scalar * > &tArr, int i)
Accumulate tensor onto a tensor field.
Definition: tensor3.h:67
__hostanddev__ vector3< scalar > loadVector(const vector3< const scalar * > &vArr, int i)
Load vector from a constant vector field.
Definition: vector3.h:163
Complex number (need to define our own because we need operators for gpu code as well) ...
Definition: scalar.h:49