pcm-params <key1> <value1> <key2> <value2> ...
Adjust PCM solvent parameters. Possible keys and value types are:
- cavityPressure: effective pressure on the cavity (hartree per bohr^3) for SCCS
- cavityTension : effective surface tension (including dispersion etc.) of the cavity (hartree per bohr^2)
- eta_wDiel : fit parameter for dielectric cavity in CANDLE
- lMax : angular momentum truncation in SaLSA
- nc : critical density for the PCM cavity shape function
- pCavity : sensitivity of cavity to surface electric fields [a.u.] in CANDLE
- rhoDelta : electron density change (bohr^-3) for SCCS cavity area calculation
- rhoMin : max electron density (bohr^-3) for SCCS cavity switching function
- screenOverride: overrides the screening length calculated from fluid-components
- sigma : smoothing factor for the PCM cavity shape function
- sqrtC6eff : sqrt(effective molecule C6 coefficient) for CANDLE
- Ztot : total valence charge on the solvent, used by CANDLE
Any number of these key-value pairs may be specified in any order.
Requires: fluid-solvent
Forbids: (None)
Allow multiple: no
Default: (None)
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