fluid-site-params <component> <siteName> <key1> <value1> <key2> <value2> ...
Set parameters of site <siteName> for fluid <component> which may be one of:
- CCl4
- CHCl3
- Cl-
- ClO4-
- CustomAnion
- CustomCation
- F-
- H2O
- Na(H2O)4+
- Na+
Possible keys and value types are:
- aElec : exponential decay width of electron charge distribution
- alpha : isotropic polarizability
- aPol : cuspless-exponential width of polarizability
- elecFilename : filename to read in additional radial realspace electron charge distribution
- elecFilenameG: filename to read in additional radial Gspace electron charge distribution
- rcElec : location of peak in electron charge distribution
- Rhs : hard sphere radius for use in FMT
- sigmaElec : width of peak in electron charge distribution
- sigmaNuc : gaussian width of the nuclear charge (positive)
- Zelec : magnitude of electron charge (positive)
- Znuc : magnitude of the nuclear charge (positive)
Any number of these key-value pairs may be specified in any order.
Requires: fluid-solvent
Forbids: (None)
Allow multiple: yes
Default: (None)
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