JDFTx  1.7.0
Convert binary output from JDFTx to plain text. Specifically useful for
reading / processing eigenvalues and fillings. Usage:

    binaryToText <inFile> [<innerDim>=1] [<dataOrder>=C]

Without the optional arguments, the script will write the contents of <inFile>
in plain text form in a single row to standard output, which can of course be
redirected to an output file of choice. The optional arguments allow the output
to be cast as a matrix and determine the dimensions and order of output.

    <innerDim>: length of the inner (faster) dimension. This should be set
            to the number of bands for fillings / eigenvalue files.

    <dataOrder> = C | Fortran: In C order, the inner dimension stretches
             across rows, whereas in Fortran order it stretches across columns.

This script requires GNU Octave to be installed and in the current path.