▼ commands | |
command.h | Provides the base class and various helpers for defining commands in the input file |
minimize.h | Provides base class for defining the minimize commands |
ParamList.h | Helper class for parsing command lines in input file |
parser.h | Functions for parsing JDFTx input files |
▼ core | |
BlasExtra.h | Commonly used BLAS-like routines |
Blip.h | |
Coulomb.h | Coulomb interactions in various geometries |
Coulomb_internal.h | Shared inline functions / internal declarations for Coulomb framework |
CoulombIsolated.h | |
CoulombKernel.h | |
CoulombPeriodic.h | |
CoulombSlab.h | |
CoulombWire.h | |
EnergyComponents.h | Represent components of the (free) energy |
GpuKernelUtils.h | Common utility functions/macros for the gpu kernels and launchers in the .cu files |
GpuUtil.h | |
H5io.h | HDF5 helper routines |
LatticeUtils.h | Miscellaneous utilities relating to properties of Bravais Lattices |
LoopMacros.h | |
ManagedMemory.h | Base class and operators for managed-memory objects |
matrix.h | |
matrix3.h | 3x3 matrices with CPU and GPU operators |
Minimize.h | Nonlinear minimization and linear solve templates |
MPIUtil.h | Helper classes for MPI parallelization |
Operators.h | Operators on ScalarField's and ScalarFieldTilde's |
RadialFunction.h | |
scalar.h | Complex numbers with CPU and GPU operators |
ScalarField.h | Real and complex scalar fields in real and reciprocal space |
ScalarFieldArray.h | Variable length arrays of ScalarField and ScalarFieldTildeArray, and their operators |
ScalarFieldIO.h | I/O utilities for the data arrays |
SphericalHarmonics.h | |
Spline.h | Spline interpolation routines |
string.h | STL strings and streams with case insensitive comparison |
tensor3.h | Symmetric traceless tensor with CPU and GPU operators |
Thread.h | Utilities for threading (wrappers around std::thread) |
Units.h | Commonly used measurement units in terms of atomic units |
Util.h | Miscellaneous utilities |
vector3.h | 3-vector with CPU and GPU operators |
VectorField.h | Fixed-length multiplet of ScalarField and ScalarFieldTilde, and specialization to vector fields (3-component) |
▼ electronic | |
ColumnBundle.h | |
Control.h | |
Dump.h | |
Dump_internal.h | |
DumpBGW_internal.h | |
ElecInfo.h | |
ElecMinimizer.h | |
Energies.h | |
ExCorr.h | |
ExCorr_internal.h | |
ExCorr_internal_GGA.h | |
ExCorr_internal_LDA.h | |
ExCorr_internal_mGGA.h | |
IonicDynamicsParams.h | |
IonicMinimizer.h | |
IonInfo.h | |
LatticeMinimizer.h | |
RadialSchrodinger.h | |
SCF.h | |
SpeciesInfo_internal.h | |
symbols.h | |
▼ fluid | |
Euler.h | Various Euler angle related utilities |
Fex_LJ.h | Lennard-Jones fluids |
Fex_ScalarEOS.h | |
Fex_ScalarEOS_internal.h | |
FluidSolver.h | |
FluidSolverParams.h | |
MixedFMT.h | Sphere mixture functional via (optionally soft) Fundamental Measure Theory |
MixedFMT_internal.h | |
NonlinearPCM.h | |
PCM_internal.h | |
S2quad.h | |
TranslationOperator.h | |
▼ phonon | |
Phonon.h | |
▼ wannier | |
Wannier.h | |
WannierMinimizer.h |