JDFTx  1.1.0
Symmetries Class Reference

Public Member Functions

void setup (const Everything &everything)
 Phase 1 of setup which computes/checks lattice+basis symmetries.
void setupMesh ()
 Phase 2 of setup which computes / checks FFTbox and k-mesh dependent symmetries.
std::vector< QuantumNumberreduceKmesh (const std::vector< QuantumNumber > &qnums) const
 Reduce a k-point mesh (and remember its inversion symmetry property in kpointInvertList)
void symmetrize (ScalarField &) const
 symmetrize a scalar field
void symmetrize (IonicGradient &) const
 symmetrize forces
void symmetrizeSpherical (matrix &, const SpeciesInfo *specie) const
 symmetrize matrices in Ylm basis per atom of species sp (accounting for atom maps)
const std::vector< matrix3< int > > & getMatrices () const
 directly access the symmetry matrices (in lattice coords)
const std::vector< matrix3< int > > & getMeshMatrices () const
 directly access the symmetry matrices (in mesh coords)
const std::vector< matrix > & getSphericalMatrices (int l, bool relativistic) const
 directly access the symmetry matrices (in Ylm or spin-angle basis at specified l, depending on relativistic)
const std::vector< int > & getKpointInvertList () const
 direct access to inversion property of symmetry group (see kpointInvertList)
const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< int > > > & getAtomMap () const
 direct access to mapping of each atom under each symmetry matrix (index order species, atom, symmetry)
void printKmap (FILE *fp) const
 print the k-point map (cached in kmap)

Static Public Member Functions

static matrix getSpinorRotation (const matrix3<> &rot)

Public Attributes

SymmetryMode mode
 Symmetry mode (none, automatic or manual)


struct CommandSymmetries
struct CommandSymmetryMatrix
struct CommandDebug

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