JDFTx  1.2.1


phonon <key1> <args1...>  <key2> <args2...>  ...

Note: only available in calculations using the 'phonon' executable.


Control phonon calculation and output. The possible <key>'s and their corresponding arguments are:

  • supercell <N0> <N1> <N2>

    Supercell for frozen phonon perturbation. Each entry must divide the corresponding value in kpoint-folding. The k-point mesh must be uniform and centered on Gamma.

  • dr <dr>

    Amplitude (in bohrs) of frozen phonon perturbation (default 0.01).

  • T <T>

    Temperature (in Kelvins) used for vibrational free energy estimation (default 298).

  • Fcut <Fcut>

    Fillings threshold to include in supercell calculation (default 1e-8). The unit cell calculation may have extra bands for which matrix elements are desired; this flag ensures that those extra bands do not affect the performance or memory requirements of the supercell calculations.


Requires:     (None)

Forbids:     fix-electron-density     fix-electron-potential

Allow multiple:    no

Default:     (None)

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