JDFTx  1.2.1
LatticeMinimizer Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for LatticeMinimizer:
Minimizable< matrix3<> >

Public Member Functions

 LatticeMinimizer (Everything &)
void step (const matrix3<> &dir, double alpha)
 Move the state in parameter space along direction dir with scale alpha.
double compute (matrix3<> *grad, matrix3<> *Kgrad)
 Returns the objective function at the current state and store the gradient in grad and preconditioned gradient in Kgrad, if non-null.
bool report (int iter)
void constrain (matrix3<> &)
 Constrain search directions to the space of free directions for minimize.
double safeStepSize (const matrix3<> &dir) const
 Override to return maximum safe step size along a given direction. Steps can be arbitrarily large by default.
double sync (double x) const
 All processes minimize together; make sure scalars are in sync to round-off error.
std::vector< double > calculateStress ()
 Calculates the stresses along the strain directions.
void restore ()
 Restores the lattice to the original state (i.e. strain=0)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Minimizable< matrix3<> >
double minimize (const MinimizeParams &params)
 Minimize this objective function with algorithm controlled by params and return the minimized value.
void fdTest (const MinimizeParams &params)

Public Attributes

std::vector< matrix3<> > strainBasis


class IonDynamics

Member Function Documentation

bool LatticeMinimizer::report ( int  iter)

Override for optional processing/reporting after each/every few iterations It should return whether the state was modified

Reimplemented from Minimizable< matrix3<> >.

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<matrix3<> > LatticeMinimizer::strainBasis

Set of independent directions in the space of all allowed strains. Their span is consistent with symmetries and truncation (if any).

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