JDFTx  1.2.1
Quadratures for SO(3)/Z2 integration


file  Euler.h
 Various Euler angle related utilities.
file  S2quad.h
 Quadratures on S2 used to generate quadratures on SO(3)
file  SO3quad.h
 Quadratures for SO(3)


struct  S2quad
 Abstract base class for a S2 quadrature definition (used to generate the SO3 qudarature) More...
class  EulerProduct
 Outer-product quadrature on ZYZ euler angles. More...
class  Tetrahedron
 Tetrahedron rotation group. More...
class  Octahedron
 Octahedron rotation group. More...
class  Icosahedron
 Icosahedron rotation group. More...
class  S2_7design_24
 Spherical 7-design with 24 nodes. More...
class  S2_8design_36
 Spherical 8-design with 36 nodes. More...
class  S2_9design_48
 Spherical 9-design with 48 nodes. More...
class  S2_10design_60
 Spherical 10-design with 60 nodes. More...
class  S2_11design_70
 Spherical 11-design with 70 nodes. More...
class  S2_12design_84
 Spherical 12-design with 84 nodes. More...
class  S2_13design_94
 Spherical 13-design with 94 nodes. More...
class  S2_14design_108
 Spherical 14-design with 108 nodes. More...
class  S2_15design_120
 Spherical 15-design with 120 nodes. More...
class  S2_16design_144
 Spherical 16-design with 144 nodes. More...
class  S2_17design_156
 Spherical 17-design with 156 nodes. More...
class  S2_18design_180
 Spherical 18-design with 180 nodes. More...
class  S2_19design_204
 Spherical 19-design with 204 nodes. More...
class  S2_20design_216
 Spherical 20-design with 216 nodes. More...
class  S2_21design_240
 Spherical 21-design with 240 nodes. More...
class  SO3quad
 Quadrature for SO(3) More...


enum  S2quadType {
  QuadEuler, QuadTetrahedron, QuadOctahedron, QuadIcosahedron,
  Quad7design_24, Quad8design_36, Quad9design_48, Quad10design_60,
  Quad11design_70, Quad12design_84, Quad13design_94, Quad14design_108,
  Quad15design_120, Quad16design_144, Quad17design_156, Quad18design_180,
  Quad19design_204, Quad20design_216, Quad21design_240
 List of available quadratures.


vector3 polarUnitVector (double alpha, double beta)
 Get the position of the new Z-axis, given alpha and beta (does not depend on gamma)
void getEulerAxis (const vector3<> &newZ, vector3<> &euler)
 Calculates euler[0]=alpha and euler[1]=beta given newZ, the direction of the Z-axis in the rotated frame.
matrix3 matrixFromEuler (const vector3<> &euler)
 Calculate rotation matrices from euler angles.
vector3 eulerFromMatrix (const matrix3<> &mat)
 Calculate euler angles from rotation matrices.
double wigner_d (const int j, const int m1, const int m2, const double beta)
 Wigner d-function d^j_{m1 m2}(beta) for ZYZ Euler angles.

Detailed Description