JDFTx  1.2.1
complex Struct Reference

Complex number (need to define our own because we need operators for gpu code as well) More...

#include <scalar.h>

Public Member Functions

__hostanddev__ double & real ()
__hostanddev__ double & imag ()
__hostanddev__ const double & real () const
__hostanddev__ const double & imag () const
__hostanddev__ complex (double x=0, double y=0)
__hostanddev__ complexoperator+= (const complex &c)
__hostanddev__ complexoperator+= (double r)
__hostanddev__ complex operator+ (const complex &c) const
__hostanddev__ complex operator+ (double r) const
__hostanddev__ complexoperator-= (const complex &c)
__hostanddev__ complexoperator-= (double r)
__hostanddev__ complex operator- (const complex &c) const
__hostanddev__ complex operator- (double r) const
__hostanddev__ complex operator- () const
__hostanddev__ complexoperator*= (const complex &c)
__hostanddev__ complexoperator*= (double r)
__hostanddev__ complex operator* (const complex &c) const
__hostanddev__ complex operator* (double r) const
__hostanddev__ complexoperator/= (const complex &c)
__hostanddev__ complexoperator/= (double r)
__hostanddev__ complex operator/ (const complex &c) const
__hostanddev__ complex operator/ (double r) const
__hostanddev__ double norm () const
__hostanddev__ double abs () const
__hostanddev__ double arg () const
__hostanddev__ complex conj () const

Public Attributes

double x
double y

Detailed Description

Complex number (need to define our own because we need operators for gpu code as well)

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: