Files | |
file | Blip.h |
file | EnergyComponents.h |
Represent components of the (free) energy. | |
file | GpuKernelUtils.h |
Common utility functions/macros for the gpu kernels and launchers in the .cu files. | |
file | GpuUtil.h |
file | LoopMacros.h |
file | MPIUtil.h |
Helper classes for MPI parallelization. | |
file | SphericalHarmonics.h |
file | Spline.h |
Spline interpolation routines. | |
file | string.h |
STL strings and streams with case insensitive comparison. | |
file | Thread.h |
Utilities for threading (wrappers around std::thread) | |
file | Units.h |
Commonly used measurement units in terms of atomic units. | |
file | Util.h |
Miscellaneous utilities. | |
file | symbols.h |
file | Euler.h |
Various Euler angle related utilities. | |
Namespaces | |
Random | |
Random number generation. | |
YlmInternal | |
QuinticSpline | |
C4-continuous interpolation using quintic splines. | |
Classes | |
class | BlipConverter |
class | BlipResampler |
class | EnergyComponents |
struct | GpuLaunchConfig |
Base-class for launch configuration for gpu kernels. More... | |
struct | GpuLaunchConfig1D |
1D launch configuration More... | |
struct | GpuLaunchConfig3D |
3D launch configuration More... | |
struct | GpuLaunchConfigHalf3D |
3D launch configuration for symmetry-reduced G-space loops (z dimension folded for real data sets) More... | |
class | MPIUtil |
MPI wrapper class. More... | |
class | TaskDivision |
Helper for optimally dividing a specified number of (equal) tasks over MPI. More... | |
struct | YlmProdTerm |
Term in real spherical harmonic expansion of a product of two real spherical harmonics. More... | |
struct | ichar_traits |
Case insensitive character trait. More... | |
struct | ifstream |
struct | ofstream |
struct | istringstream |
struct | ostringstream |
class | AutoThreadCount |
Maintain thread timing statistics and automatically choose the optimum number of threads. More... | |
struct | InitParams |
Parameters used for common initialization functions. More... | |
class | StopWatch |
class | EnumStringMap< Enum > |
A template to ease option parsing (maps enums <–> strings) More... | |
Macros | |
#define | kernelIndex(dir) (blockIdx.dir * blockDim.dir + threadIdx.dir) |
#define | kernelIndex1D() ((blockIdx.y*gridDim.x+blockIdx.x) * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x) |
#define | THREAD_rLoop(code) |
One thread of a loop over real space (see applyFunc_r_sub for example) More... | |
#define | COMPUTE_rIndices |
The GPU equivalent of THREAD_rLoop. More... | |
#define | THREAD_fullGspaceLoop(code) |
One thread of a loop over G-space (see L_sub in PHLO.cpp for example) More... | |
#define | COMPUTE_fullGindices |
#define | THREAD_halfGspaceLoop(code) |
One thread of a loop over symmetry-reduced G-space (see applyFuncGsq_sub in Operators.h for example) More... | |
#define | COMPUTE_halfGindices |
#define | IS_NYQUIST ( (!(2*iG[0]-S[0])) | (!(2*iG[1]-S[1])) | (!(2*iG[2]-S[2])) ) |
#define | SwitchTemplate_lm(l, m, fTemplate, argList) |
Switch a function templated over l,m for all supported l,m with parenthesis enclosed argument list argList. | |
#define | TIME(title, fp, code) |
Elapsed time in seconds (from start of program) More... | |
#define | assert(expr) (void)((expr) ? 0 : assertStackTraceExit(#expr, __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__)) |
A custom assertion with stack trace (NOTE: enabled in release modes as well) | |
#define | logPrintf(...) fprintf(globalLog, __VA_ARGS__) |
printf() for log files | |
#define | logFlush() fflush(globalLog) |
fflush() for log files | |
#define | die(...) |
Quit with an error message (formatted using printf()). Must be called from all processes. More... | |
#define | die_alone(...) |
Version of die that should only be used when it is impossible to guarantee synchronized calls from all processes. More... | |
#define | PRIdPTR "zd" |
Typedefs | |
typedef std::basic_string < char, ichar_traits > | string |
Case-insensitive string. | |
Enumerations | |
enum | AtomicSymbol : int { H = 1, He = 2, Li = 3, Be = 4, B = 5, C = 6, N = 7, O = 8, F = 9, Ne = 10, Na = 11, Mg = 12, Al = 13, Si = 14, P = 15, S = 16, Cl = 17, Ar = 18, K = 19, Ca = 20, Sc = 21, Ti = 22, V = 23, Cr = 24, Mn = 25, Fe = 26, Co = 27, Ni = 28, Cu = 29, Zn = 30, Ga = 31, Ge = 32, As = 33, Se = 34, Br = 35, Kr = 36, Rb = 37, Sr = 38, Y = 39, Zr = 40, Nb = 41, Mo = 42, Tc = 43, Ru = 44, Rh = 45, Pd = 46, Ag = 47, Cd = 48, In = 49, Sn = 50, Sb = 51, Te = 52, I = 53, Xe = 54, Cs = 55, Ba = 56, La = 57, Ce = 58, Pr = 59, Nd = 60, Pm = 61, Sm = 62, Eu = 63, Gd = 64, Tb = 65, Dy = 66, Ho = 67, Er = 68, Tm = 69, Yb = 70, Lu = 71, Hf = 72, Ta = 73, W = 74, Re = 75, Os = 76, Ir = 77, Pt = 78, Au = 79, Hg = 80, Tl = 81, Pb = 82, Bi = 83, Po = 84, At = 85, Rn = 86, Fr = 87, Ra = 88, Ac = 89, Th = 90, Pa = 91, U = 92, Np = 93, Pu = 94, Am = 95, Cm = 96, Bk = 97, Cf = 98, Es = 99, Fm = 100, Md = 101, No = 102, Lr = 103, Rf = 104, Db = 105, Sg = 106, Bh = 107, Hs = 108, Mt = 109, Ds = 110, Rg = 111, Cn = 112, Uut = 113, Uuq = 114, Uup = 115, Uuh = 116, Uus = 117, Uuo = 118 } |
Atomic symbol to atomic number. | |
Functions | |
double | Tblip (const complexScalarField &phi, double *tMax=0, int *i0max=0, int *i1max=0, int *i2max=0) |
Compute the kinetic energy for a blip orbital phi (and set max local KE and location in unit cell) | |
double | Vblip (const complexScalarField &phi, const ScalarField &V) |
Compute the local potential energy for blip orbital phi in blip potential V. | |
void | gpuErrorCheck () |
Check for gpu errors and print a useful message (implemented in GpuUtils.cpp) More... | |
bool | gpuInit (FILE *fpLog=stdout, const class MPIUtil *mpiHostGpu=0, double *nGPUs=0) |
bool | isGpuMine () |
bool | isGpuEnabled () |
A utility function to eliminate ugly #ifdef's when not required. | |
double | bessel_jl (int l, double x) |
Spherical bessel function. | |
template<int lm> | |
__hostanddev__ double | Ylm (const vector3<> &qhat) |
Index by combined lm := l*(l+1)+m index (useful when static-looping over all l,m) | |
template<int l, int m> | |
__hostanddev__ double | Ylm (const vector3<> &qhat) |
Index by l and m separately. | |
template<int l, int m> | |
void | set_Ylm (const vector3<> qHat, double &result) |
Use above macro to provide a non-templated version of the function. | |
double | Ylm (int l, int m, const vector3<> &qHat) |
std::vector< YlmProdTerm > | expandYlmProd (int lm1, int lm2) |
std::vector< YlmProdTerm > | expandYlmProd (int l1, int m1, int l2, int m2) |
Wrapper function expandYlmProd with individual indices. | |
void | trim (string &s) |
Remove leading and trailing spaces from a string. | |
istream & | operator>> (istream &is, string &str) |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &os, const string &str) |
istream & | getline (istream &is, string &str, char delim='\n') |
bool | shouldThreadOperators () |
void | suspendOperatorThreading () |
call from multi-threaded top-level code to disable threading within operators called from a parallel section | |
void | resumeOperatorThreading () |
call after a parallel section in top-level code to resume threading within subsequent operator calls | |
template<typename Callable , typename... Args> | |
void | threadLaunch (int nThreads, Callable *func, size_t nJobs, Args...args) |
A simple utility for running muliple threads. More... | |
template<typename Callable , typename... Args> | |
void | threadLaunch (Callable *func, size_t nJobs, Args...args) |
template<typename Callable , typename... Args> | |
void | threadLaunch (AutoThreadCount *, Callable *func, size_t nJobs, Args...args) |
template<typename Callable , typename... Args> | |
void | threadedLoop (Callable *func, size_t nIter, Args...args) |
A parallelized loop. More... | |
template<typename Callable , typename... Args> | |
double | threadedAccumulate (Callable *func, size_t nIter, Args...args) |
A parallelized loop with an accumulated return value. More... | |
void | printVersionBanner (const InitParams *ip=0) |
Print package name, version, revision etc. to log. | |
void | initSystem (int argc, char **argv, const InitParams *ip=0) |
Init MPI (if not already done), print banner, set up threads (play nice with job schedulers), GPU and signal handlers. | |
void | initSystemCmdline (int argc, char **argv, InitParams &ip) |
initSystem along with commandline options | |
void | finalizeSystem (bool successful=true) |
Clean-up corresponding to initSystem(), final messages (depending on successful) and clean-up MPI. | |
double | clock_us () |
double | clock_sec () |
Elapsed time in microseconds (from start of program) | |
void | printStack (bool detailedStackScript=false) |
Print a minimal stack trace and optionally write a script that, when run, will print a more detailed stacktrace. | |
void | stackTraceExit (int code) |
Exit on error with stack trace. | |
int | assertStackTraceExit (const char *expr, const char *function, const char *file, long line) |
void | logSuspend () |
temporarily disable all log output (until logResume()) | |
void | logResume () |
re-enable logging after a logSuspend() call | |
off_t | fileSize (const char *filename) |
Get the size of a file. | |
void | convertToLE (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb) |
Convert data from operating endianness to little-endian. | |
void | convertFromLE (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb) |
Convert data from little-endian to operating endianness. | |
size_t | freadLE (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *fp) |
Read from a little-endian binary file, regardless of operating endianness. | |
size_t | fwriteLE (const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *fp) |
Write to a little-endian binary file, regardless of operating endianness. | |
uint16_t | positiveRemainder (int16_t x, uint16_t y) |
For any x and y>0, compute z = x % y such that 0 <= z < y. | |
bool | fftSuitable (int N) |
Check if an integer is suitable for Fast Fourier Transforms (small prime factors only) | |
double | atomicMass (AtomicSymbol) |
retrieve atomic mass for each element | |
vector3 | polarUnitVector (double alpha, double beta) |
Get the position of the new Z-axis, given alpha and beta (does not depend on gamma) | |
void | getEulerAxis (const vector3<> &newZ, vector3<> &euler) |
Calculates euler[0]=alpha and euler[1]=beta given newZ, the direction of the Z-axis in the rotated frame. | |
matrix3 | matrixFromEuler (const vector3<> &euler) |
Calculate rotation matrices from euler angles. | |
vector3 | eulerFromMatrix (const matrix3<> &mat) |
Calculate euler angles from rotation matrices. | |
double | wigner_d (const int j, const int m1, const int m2, const double beta) |
Wigner d-function d^j_{m1 m2}(beta) for ZYZ Euler angles. | |
Variables | |
cudaDeviceProp | cudaDevProps |
cached properties of currently running device (defined in GpuUtil.cpp) | |
int | nProcsAvailable |
number of available processors (initialized to number of online processors, can be overriden) | |
const double | eV = 1/27.21138505 |
eV in Hartrees | |
const double | Ryd = 0.5 |
Rydberg in Hartrees. | |
const double | Joule = 1/4.35974434e-18 |
Joule in Hartrees. | |
const double | KJoule = 1000*Joule |
KJoule in Hartrees. | |
const double | Kcal = KJoule * 4.184 |
Kcal in Hartrees. | |
const double | Kelvin = 1.3806488e-23*Joule |
Kelvin in Hartrees. | |
const double | invcm = 1./219474.6313705 |
Inverse cm in Hartrees. | |
const double | Angstrom = 1/0.5291772 |
Angstrom in bohrs. | |
const double | meter = 1e10*Angstrom |
meter in bohrs | |
const double | liter = 1e-3*pow(meter,3) |
liter in cubic bohrs | |
const double | amu = 1822.88839 |
atomic mass unit in electron masses | |
const double | kg = 1./9.10938291e-31 |
kilogram in electron masses | |
const double | mol = 6.0221367e23 |
mole in number (i.e. Avogadro number) | |
const double | Newton = Joule/meter |
Newton in Hartree/bohr. | |
const double | Pascal = Newton/(meter*meter) |
Pascal in Hartree/bohr^3. | |
const double | KPascal = 1000*Pascal |
KPa in Hartree/bohr^3. | |
const double | Bar = 100*KPascal |
bar in Hartree/bohr^3 | |
const double | mmHg = 133.322387415*Pascal |
mm Hg in Hartree/bohr^3 | |
const double | sec = sqrt((kg*meter)/Newton) |
second in inverse Hartrees | |
const double | invSec = 1./sec |
inverse second in Hartrees | |
const double | fs = sec*1.0e-15 |
femtosecond in inverse Hartrees | |
const double | Coul = Joule/eV |
Coulomb in electrons. | |
const double | Volt = Joule/Coul |
Volt in Hartrees. | |
const double | Ampere = Coul/sec |
Ampere in electrons/inverse Hartree. | |
const double | Ohm = Volt/Ampere |
Ohm in inverse conductance quanta. | |
string | inputBasename |
Basename of input file or "stdin" that can be used as a default run-name. | |
bool | killFlag |
Flag set by signal handlers - all compute loops should quit cleanly when this is set. | |
MPIUtil * | mpiWorld |
MPI across all processes. | |
MPIUtil * | mpiGroup |
MPI within current group of processes. | |
MPIUtil * | mpiGroupHead |
MPI across equal ranks in each group. | |
bool | mpiDebugLog |
If true, all processes output to seperate debug log files, otherwise only head process outputs (set before calling initSystem()) | |
size_t | mempoolSize |
If non-zero, size of memory pool managed internally by JDFTx. | |
FILE * | globalLog |
FILE * | nullLog |
pointer to /dev/null | |
EnumStringMap< AtomicSymbol > | atomicSymbolMap |
Relate chemical symbols and atomic numbers. | |
#define COMPUTE_fullGindices |
The GPU equivalent of THREAD_fullGspaceLoop NOTE: x and z are swapped in kernel indices since x is contiguous on GPU
#define COMPUTE_halfGindices |
The GPU equivalent of THREAD_halfGspaceLoop NOTE: x and z are swapped in kernel indices since x is contiguous on GPU
#define COMPUTE_rIndices |
The GPU equivalent of THREAD_rLoop.
#define die | ( | ... | ) |
Quit with an error message (formatted using printf()). Must be called from all processes.
#define die_alone | ( | ... | ) |
Version of die that should only be used when it is impossible to guarantee synchronized calls from all processes.
#define IS_NYQUIST ( (!(2*iG[0]-S[0])) | (!(2*iG[1]-S[1])) | (!(2*iG[2]-S[2])) ) |
Determine if this is a nyquist component NOTE: no component is nyquist for odd sizes in this convention
#define THREAD_fullGspaceLoop | ( | code | ) |
One thread of a loop over G-space (see L_sub in PHLO.cpp for example)
#define THREAD_halfGspaceLoop | ( | code | ) |
One thread of a loop over symmetry-reduced G-space (see applyFuncGsq_sub in Operators.h for example)
#define THREAD_rLoop | ( | code | ) |
One thread of a loop over real space (see applyFunc_r_sub for example)
#define TIME | ( | title, | |
fp, | |||
code | |||
) |
Elapsed time in seconds (from start of program)
Time a code section and print the timing (with title).
Code must be self-contained as a scope, as it will be surrounded by { }, and should not define "runTime"
title | Name to use when printing the timing info for the code block |
fp | Stream to output the timing info to |
code | The code block to time (must be a self-contained scope) |
int assertStackTraceExit | ( | const char * | expr, |
const char * | function, | ||
const char * | file, | ||
long | line | ||
) |
stack trace on failed assertions
inline |
Real spherical harmonic expansion of product of two real spherical harmonics (effectively returns list of non-zero Clebsch-Gordon coefficients in the modified real Ylm basis)
void gpuErrorCheck | ( | ) |
Check for gpu errors and print a useful message (implemented in GpuUtils.cpp)
Check for gpu errors, and if any, abort with a useful messsage.
bool gpuInit | ( | FILE * | fpLog = stdout , |
const class MPIUtil * | mpiHostGpu = 0 , |
double * | nGPUs = 0 |
) |
Must be called before any GPU use (preferably from main(), see isGpuMine) If mpiHostGpu (group of GPU processes on the same node) is specified, divide compatible GPUs amongst processes on same node, else select one with max memory nGPUs returns the number of physical GPUs used (fraction if a GPU is shared with other processes) Returns false on failure to find a suitable GPU
bool isGpuMine | ( | ) |
Only the thread that called gpuInit() is allowed to use GPU resources This function will return true only on the one thread that rules the gpu.
bool shouldThreadOperators | ( | ) |
Operators should run multithreaded if this returns true, and should run in a single thread if this returns false. Note that all the thread launching functions in this file automatically prevent nested threading, so operator codes using those functions need not explicitly check this.
This only affects CPU threading, GPU operators should only be called from a single thread anyway.
double threadedAccumulate | ( | Callable * | func, |
size_t | nIter, | ||
Args... | args | ||
) |
A parallelized loop with an accumulated return value.
Same as threadedLoop, but func() returns double, which is summed over and returned
void threadedLoop | ( | Callable * | func, |
size_t | nIter, | ||
Args... | args | ||
) |
A parallelized loop.
Given a callable object func and an argument list args, this routine calls func(i, args) for each i in [0:nIter-1], and accumulates the return values.
Note that the calls are made from multiple threads, so func must be thread safe. (Hint: pass mutexes as a part of args if synchronization is required).
As many threads as online processors are launched and the nIter iterations are evenly split between all the threads. Threaded loops will become single threaded if suspendOperatorThreading().
func | The function / object with operator() to be looped over |
nIter | The number of loop 'iterations' |
args | Arguments to pass to func |
void threadLaunch | ( | int | nThreads, |
Callable * | func, | ||
size_t | nJobs, | ||
Args... | args | ||
) |
A simple utility for running muliple threads.
Given a callable object func and an argument list args, this routine calls nThreads threads of func invoked as func(iMin, iMax, args). The nJobs jobs are evenly split between all the threads; each instance of func should handle job index i satisfying iMin <= i < iMax.
If nJobs <= 0, the behaviour changes: the function is invoked as func(iThread, nThreads, args) instead, where 0 <= iThread < nThreads. This mode allows for more flexible threading than the evenly split job management indicated above. This could be used as a convenient interface for launching threads for any parallel routine requiring as many threads as processors.
nThreads | Number of threads to launch (if <=0, as many as processors on system) |
func | The function / object with operator() to invoke in a multithreaded fashion |
nJobs | The number of jobs to be split between the various func threads |
args | Arguments to pass to func |
void threadLaunch | ( | Callable * | func, |
size_t | nJobs, | ||
Args... | args | ||
) |
Same as threadLaunch(int nThreads, Callable* func, size_t nJobs, Args... args) with nThreads = number of online processors.
void threadLaunch | ( | AutoThreadCount * | , |
Callable * | func, | ||
size_t | nJobs, | ||
Args... | args | ||
) |
Same as threadLaunch(int nThreads, Callable* func, size_t nJobs, Args... args) but with nThreads automatically adjusted over multiple runs using an AutoThreadCount object If the AutoThreadCount pointer is null, as many threads as processors will be launched