std::vector< TrialOrbital > | trialOrbitals |
| group of centers
bool | needAtomicOrbitals |
enum Wannier::LocalizationMeasure | localizationMeasure |
bool | precond |
int | bStart |
double | eOuterMin |
double | eOuterMax |
| outer energy window (outside which bands do not contribute)
double | eInnerMin |
double | eInnerMax |
| inner energy window (within which all bands used)
bool | outerWindow |
bool | innerWindow |
| denotes which windows are available
int | nFrozen |
string | frozenUfilename |
| number of frozen centers, and the filename to read their rotations from
int | nCenters |
| total number of centers, those being optimized and frozen
bool | saveWfns |
| whether to write wavefunctions
bool | saveWfnsRealSpace |
| whether to output Wannier functions band-by-band in real-space
bool | saveMomenta |
| whether to output momentum matrix elements
bool | saveSpin |
| whether to output spin matrix elements (non-collinear only)
bool | saveRP |
| whether to output R*P matrix elements for Wannierized angular momentum / electric quadrupole evaluation
string | zVfilename |
| filename for reading Vscloc with an applied electric field for z matrix element output
double | zFieldMag |
| magnitude of electric field difference (Eh/a0) between current calculation and the specified Vscloc
double | z0 |
double | zH |
double | zSigma |
| center (lattice coords), half-width (lattice coords) and smoothness (bohrs) for slab-weight function
bool | loadRotations |
| whether to load initial rotations from previous dump
string | initFilename |
string | dumpFilename |
| filename patterns for input and output
string | eigsFilename |
| optional override for eigenvals file
string | numericalOrbitalsFilename |
| filename for reading numerical orbitals
vector3 | numericalOrbitalsOffset |
| lattice coordinates of the origin in the input
vector3< int > | phononSup |
| phonon supercell (process e-ph matrix elements on this supercell if non-zero)
double | rSmooth |
| supercell boundary width over which matrix elements are smoothed
enum Wannier::SpinMode | spinMode |
| which spin(s) to generate Wannier functions for
std::vector< int > | iSpinArr |
| set of spin indices corresponding to spinMode
bool | polar |
| whether to subtract long-range contributions in e-ph matrix elements
std::vector< DefectSupercell > | defects |
| List of defect supercells to compute Wannierized matrix elements for.
Compute Maximally-Localized Wannier Functions.