template<int l, int m> |
__hostanddev__ void | Vnl_calc (int n, int atomStride, int nAtoms, const vector3<> &k, const vector3< int > *iGarr, const matrix3<> &G, const vector3<> *pos, const RadialFunctionG &VnlRadial, complex *Vnl) |
| Compute Vnl and optionally its gradients for a subset of the basis space, and for multiple atomic positions.
void | Vnl (int nbasis, int atomStride, int nAtoms, int l, int m, const vector3<> k, const vector3< int > *iGarr, const matrix3<> G, const vector3<> *pos, const RadialFunctionG &VnlRadial, complex *Vnl) |
void | Vnl_gpu (int nbasis, int atomStride, int nAtoms, int l, int m, const vector3<> k, const vector3< int > *iGarr, const matrix3<> G, const vector3<> *pos, const RadialFunctionG &VnlRadial, complex *Vnl) |
template<int Nlm, typename Functor > |
__hostanddev__ void | staticLoopYlm (Functor *f) |
template<int Nlm> |
__hostanddev__ void | nAugment_calc (int i, const vector3< int > &iG, const matrix3<> &G, int nCoeff, double dGinv, const double *nRadial, const vector3<> &atpos, complex *n) |
void | nAugment (int Nlm, const vector3< int > S, const matrix3<> &G, int iGstart, int iGstop, int nCoeff, double dGinv, const double *nRadial, const vector3<> &atpos, complex *n) |
void | nAugment_gpu (int Nlm, const vector3< int > S, const matrix3<> &G, int iGstart, int iGstop, int nCoeff, double dGinv, const double *nRadial, const vector3<> &atpos, complex *n) |
__hostanddev__ uint64_t | setNagIndex_calc (const vector3< int > &iG, const vector3< int > &S, const matrix3<> &G, double dGinv) |
| (In MPI mode, only a subset of G-vectors are indexed on each process (to correspond to nAUgment))
__hostanddev__ void | setNagIndexPtr_calc (int i, int iMax, int nCoeff, const uint64_t *nagIndex, size_t *nagIndexPtr) |
void | setNagIndex (const vector3< int > &S, const matrix3<> &G, int iGstart, int iGstop, int nCoeff, double dGinv, uint64_t *&nagIndex, size_t *&nagIndexPtr) |
void | setNagIndex_gpu (const vector3< int > &S, const matrix3<> &G, int iGstart, int iGstop, int nCoeff, double dGinv, uint64_t *&nagIndex, size_t *&nagIndexPtr) |
template<int Nlm> |
__hostanddev__ void | nAugmentGrad_calc (uint64_t key, const vector3< int > &S, const matrix3<> &G, int nCoeff, double dGinv, const double *nRadial, const vector3<> &atpos, const complex *ccE_n, double *E_nRadial, vector3< complex * > E_atpos, bool dummyGpuThread=false) |
void | nAugmentGrad (int Nlm, const vector3< int > S, const matrix3<> &G, int nCoeff, double dGinv, const double *nRadial, const vector3<> &atpos, const complex *ccE_n, double *E_nRadial, vector3< complex * > E_atpos, const uint64_t *nagIndex, const size_t *nagIndexPtr) |
void | nAugmentGrad_gpu (int Nlm, const vector3< int > S, const matrix3<> &G, int nCoeff, double dGinv, const double *nRadial, const vector3<> &atpos, const complex *ccE_n, double *E_nRadial, vector3< complex * > E_atpos, const uint64_t *nagIndex, const size_t *nagIndexPtr) |
__hostanddev__ complex | getSG_calc (const vector3< int > &iG, const int &nAtoms, const vector3<> *atpos) |
| Get structure factor for a specific iG, given a list of atoms.
void | getSG (const vector3< int > S, int nAtoms, const vector3<> *atpos, double invVol, complex *SG) |
| Get structure factor in a ScalarFieldTilde's data/dataGpu (with 1/vol normalization factor)
void | getSG_gpu (const vector3< int > S, int nAtoms, const vector3<> *atpos, double invVol, complex *SG) |
__hostanddev__ void | updateLocal_calc (int i, const vector3< int > &iG, const matrix3<> &GGT, complex *Vlocps, complex *rhoIon, complex *nChargeball, complex *nCore, complex *tauCore, int nAtoms, const vector3<> *atpos, double invVol, const RadialFunctionG &VlocRadial, double Z, const RadialFunctionG &nCoreRadial, const RadialFunctionG &tauCoreRadial, double Zchargeball, double wChargeball) |
| Calculate local pseudopotential, ionic density and chargeball due to one species at a given G-vector.
void | updateLocal (const vector3< int > S, const matrix3<> GGT, complex *Vlocps, complex *rhoIon, complex *n_chargeball, complex *n_core, complex *tauCore, int nAtoms, const vector3<> *atpos, double invVol, const RadialFunctionG &VlocRadial, double Z, const RadialFunctionG &nCoreRadial, const RadialFunctionG &tauCoreRadial, double Zchargeball, double wChargeball) |
void | updateLocal_gpu (const vector3< int > S, const matrix3<> GGT, complex *Vlocps, complex *rhoIon, complex *n_chargeball, complex *n_core, complex *tauCore, int nAtoms, const vector3<> *atpos, double invVol, const RadialFunctionG &VlocRadial, double Z, const RadialFunctionG &nCoreRadial, const RadialFunctionG &tauCoreRadial, double Zchargeball, double wChargeball) |
__hostanddev__ void | gradLocalToSG_calc (int i, const vector3< int > iG, const matrix3<> GGT, const complex *ccgrad_Vlocps, const complex *ccgrad_rhoIon, const complex *ccgrad_nChargeball, const complex *ccgrad_nCore, const complex *ccgrad_tauCore, complex *ccgrad_SG, const RadialFunctionG &VlocRadial, double Z, const RadialFunctionG &nCoreRadial, const RadialFunctionG &tauCoreRadial, double Zchargeball, double wChargeball) |
| Propagate (complex conjugates of) gradients w.r.t Vlocps, rhoIon etc to complex conjugate gradient w.r.t SG (the strutcure factor)
void | gradLocalToSG (const vector3< int > S, const matrix3<> GGT, const complex *ccgrad_Vlocps, const complex *ccgrad_rhoIon, const complex *ccgrad_nChargeball, const complex *ccgrad_nCore, const complex *ccgrad_tauCore, complex *ccgrad_SG, const RadialFunctionG &VlocRadial, double Z, const RadialFunctionG &nCoreRadial, const RadialFunctionG &tauCoreRadial, double Zchargeball, double wChargeball) |
void | gradLocalToSG_gpu (const vector3< int > S, const matrix3<> GGT, const complex *ccgrad_Vlocps, const complex *ccgrad_rhoIon, const complex *ccgrad_nChargeball, const complex *ccgrad_nCore, const complex *ccgrad_tauCore, complex *ccgrad_SG, const RadialFunctionG &VlocRadial, double Z, const RadialFunctionG &nCoreRadial, const RadialFunctionG &tauCoreRadial, double Zchargeball, double wChargeball) |
__hostanddev__ void | gradSGtoAtpos_calc (int i, const vector3< int > iG, const vector3<> atpos, const complex *ccgrad_SG, vector3< complex * > grad_atpos) |
void | gradSGtoAtpos (const vector3< int > S, const vector3<> atpos, const complex *ccgrad_SG, vector3< complex * > grad_atpos) |
void | gradSGtoAtpos_gpu (const vector3< int > S, const vector3<> atpos, const complex *ccgrad_SG, vector3< complex * > grad_atpos) |
Shared GPU/CPU code for ion/pseudopotential related calculations.