JDFTx  1.2.1
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAtomInformation required for pair-potential evaluations
 CAutoThreadCountMaintain thread timing statistics and automatically choose the optimum number of threads
 CBlockRotationMatrixBlock rotation matrix: used for symmetrization of electronic states
 CCbarCompute Cbar_k^sigma - the gaussian convolved cylindrical coulomb kernel - by numerical quadrature
 CCbar_k_sigmaLook-up table for Cbar_k^sigma(rho) for specific values of k and sigma
 CColumnBundleMatrixProductColumnBundle with a pending matrix multiply (on the right side)
 CColumnBundleTransformHandle transformation of ColumnBundles upon symmetry operations
 CCommandAbstract base class for all commands
 CCommandMinimizeAbstract base class for all the minimize commands
 CcomplexComplex number (need to define our own because we need operators for gpu code as well)
 CcomplexScalarFieldDataReal space complex scalar field data Do not use this data structure directly or from a simple pointer complexScalarFieldData*; work only with complexScalarField's. The public functions of complexScalarFieldData can be accessed with -> from the complexScalarField
 CcomplexScalarFieldTildeDataReciprocal space complex scalar field data Do not use this data structure directly or from a simple pointer complexScalarFieldTildeData*; work only with complexScalarFieldTilde's. The public functions of complexScalarFieldTildeData can be accessed with -> from the complexScalarFieldTilde
 CConvCouplingConvolution coupling between electrons and fluids
 CCoulombAbstract base class for the (optionally truncated) Coulomb interaction
 CCoulombCylindricalCoulomb interaction for a 1D periodic system, truncated on a cylinder
 CCoulombIsolatedCoulomb interaction for an isolated system (no periodicity), truncated on the Wigner-Seitz cell
 CCoulombKernelWigner-Seitz truncated coulomb kernel generator
 CCoulombPeriodicUntruncated Coulomb interaction
 CCoulombPeriodic_calcPeriodic coulomb interaction (4 pi/G^2)
 CCoulombSlabCoulomb interaction for a 2D periodic system, truncated on the transverse Wigner-Seitz cell
 CCoulombSlab_calcSlab-truncated coulomb interaction
 CCoulombSphericalCoulomb interaction for an isolated system (no periodicity), truncated on a sphere
 CCoulombSpherical_calcSphere-truncated coulomb interaction
 CCoulombWireCoulomb interaction for a 1D periodic system, truncated on the transverse Wigner-Seitz cell
 CDeprecatedCommandBase class for a deprecated command which will translate old syntax into the new command that replaces it
 CdiagMatrixReal diagonal matrix
 CDOS(Weighted-) density of states calculator
 CDumpStores the list of what to dump and when, and implements the functions to do so
 CEnumStringMapA template to ease option parsing (maps enums <–> strings)
 CErfFMTweightUtility for creating soft FMT weight functions
 CEulerProductOuter-product quadrature on ZYZ euler angles
 CEwaldAbstract base class for Ewald summation in arbitrary dimension
 CExchangeEvalHelper class for evaluating regularized Coulomb kernel for exchange
 CExchangePeriodic_calcPeriodic exchange
 CExchangePeriodicScreened_calcErfc-screened Periodic exchange
 CExchangeSlab_calcSlab-truncated exchange
 CExchangeSpherical_calcSpherical-truncated exchange
 CExchangeSphericalScreened_calcErfc-screened Spherical-truncated exchange
 CFexAbstract base class for excess functionals
 CFex_LJLennard Jones fluid treated as a mean field perturbation about a soft FMT core
 CFieldDataBase class for ScalarFieldData and ScalarFieldTildeData
 CFluidComponentNamed fluid components for which bulk properties / geometries / excess functionals are available
 CFluidMixtureMixture of fluids that provides the total free energy functional for minimization Constructing Fex and IdealGas objects require a FluidMixture reference, to which they add themselves. The FluidMixture object is ready to use after initialize() is called
 CFluidSolverAbstract base class for the fluid solvers
 CFluidSolverParamsExtra parameters for fluids:
 CFmixAbstract base class for mixing functionals: interactions between fluids (beyond hard sphere and scaled coulomb)
 CFmix_GaussianKernelGaussian Kernel interaction functional
 CFmix_LJLennard-Jones interaction functional
 CFmixParamsParameters needed to mix fluids
 CFunctionalAbstract base class for functionals
 CFunctionalGGACommon interface to the compute kernels for GGA-like functionals
 CFunctionalLDACommon interface to the compute kernels shared by all LDA functionals
 CFunctionalMGGACommon interface to the compute kernels for mGGA-like functionals
 CGGA_calc< GGA_X_GLLBsc, true, nCount >
 CGGA_calc< GGA_X_LB94, true, nCount >
 CGGA_calc< variant, false, nCount >Specialization of GGA_calc for functionals that do not spin-scale (correlation)
 CGGA_calc< variant, true, nCount >Specialization of GGA_calc for spin-scaling functionals (exchange and KE)
 CGpuLaunchConfigBase-class for launch configuration for gpu kernels
 CGpuLaunchConfig1D1D launch configuration
 CGpuLaunchConfig3D3D launch configuration
 CGpuLaunchConfigHalf3D3D launch configuration for symmetry-reduced G-space loops (z dimension folded for real data sets)
 CGridInfoSimulation grid descriptor
 Cichar_traitsCase insensitive character trait
 CIcosahedronIcosahedron rotation group
 CIdealGasAbstract base class for an IdealGas evaluator
 CIdealGasMonoatomicIdealGas for monoatomic molecules (i.e. no orientation integral)
 CIdealGasMuEpsIdealGas for polyatomic molecules with the monopole-dipole 'MuEps' independent variables
 CIdealGasPsiAlphaIdealGas for polyatomic molecules with the effective potential 'psi_alpha' independent variables
 CIncludeTXCWhich components to include in the results of ExCorr::operator()
 CInvertKSInvert Kohn-Sham equations to get effective potential for a given electron density
 CIonDynamicsParamsParameters to control the Verlet algorithm
 CIonicGradientObject to hold all the forces
 CJeffereyAustinEOSJefferey-Austin equation of state for water
 CLDA_calc< LDA_KE_TF, nCount >Specialization of LDA_calc for Thomas-Fermi kinetic energy (compute directly in n[s])
 CLDA_calc< LDA_X_Slater, nCount >Specialization of LDA_calc for Slater exchange (compute directly in n[s]; zeta not required)
 ClDivergence_staticLoop< l,-1 >
 ClGradient_staticLoop< l,-1 >
 CLinkDescriptionGenerate a description functor for addDescriptions() from an EnumStringMap
 CManagedMemoryBase class for managed-memory objects (that could potentially live on GPUs as well)
 CmatrixGeneral complex matrix
 CmatrixScaledTransOpMatrix with a pending scale and transpose operation
 CmGGA_calc< variant, false, nCount >
 CmGGA_calc< variant, true, nCount >Specialization of mGGA_calc for spin-scaling functionals (exchange)
 CMinimizeParamsParameters to control the minimization algorithm
 CMoleculeMulti-site molecule model
 CMPIUtilMPI wrapper class
 COctahedronOctahedron rotation group
 CParamListWrapper to std::istringstream that eases parsing of input file command lines
 CPCMBase class for all PCMs
 CPhononCalculate phonon dispersion, free energies and electron-phonon matrix elements
 CPhononEverythingAdd reference to class Phonon to Everything (for use with the parser)
 CPolarizabilityCalculate the polarizability in a convenient eigenbasis
 CPulayPulay mixing to optimize self-consistent field optimization @
 CPulayParamsParameters to control Pulay mixing
 CRadialFunctionGG-space radial function stored on a uniform grid (of |G|)
 CRadialFunctionRA function on a non-uniform real-space radial grid
 CRadialSchrodingerRadial schrodinger equation solver (non-interacting eigen-problem for an atom)
 CRealKernelSpecial class for storing real reciprocal-space kernels encountered ever so often for convolutions
 CS2_10design_60Spherical 10-design with 60 nodes
 CS2_11design_70Spherical 11-design with 70 nodes
 CS2_12design_84Spherical 12-design with 84 nodes
 CS2_13design_94Spherical 13-design with 94 nodes
 CS2_14design_108Spherical 14-design with 108 nodes
 CS2_15design_120Spherical 15-design with 120 nodes
 CS2_16design_144Spherical 16-design with 144 nodes
 CS2_17design_156Spherical 17-design with 156 nodes
 CS2_18design_180Spherical 18-design with 180 nodes
 CS2_19design_204Spherical 19-design with 204 nodes
 CS2_20design_216Spherical 20-design with 216 nodes
 CS2_21design_240Spherical 21-design with 240 nodes
 CS2_7design_24Spherical 7-design with 24 nodes
 CS2_8design_36Spherical 8-design with 36 nodes
 CS2_9design_48Spherical 9-design with 48 nodes
 CS2quadAbstract base class for a S2 quadrature definition (used to generate the SO3 qudarature)
 CScalarEOSAbstract base class for the equation of state evaluator for ScalarEOS functionals
 CScalarFieldDataReal space real scalar field data Do not use this data structure directly or from a simple pointer ScalarFieldData*; work only with ScalarField's. The public functions of ScalarFieldData can be accessed with -> from the ScalarField
 CScalarFieldMultipletGeneric multiplet object with overloaded arithmetic
 CScalarFieldTildeDataReciprocal space real scalar field data Do not use this data structure directly or from a simple pointer ScalarFieldTildeData*; work only with ScalarFieldTilde's. The public functions of ScalarFieldTildeData can be accessed with -> from the ScalarFieldTilde
 CSCFSelf-Consistent Field method for converging electronic state
 CSCFvariableVariable that is mixed during SCF Component names are density-like, but when mixing potential, they refer to corresponding gradient
 CSO3quadQuadrature for SO(3)
 CStaticLoopYlm< Nlm, Functor, 0 >
 CSupercellSupercell corresponding to a given k-point mesh
 CTaoMasonEOSTao-Mason equation of state for moderately polar liquids
 CTaoMasonEOS_evalTao-Mason equation of state [F. Tao and E. A. Mason, J. Chem. Phys. 100, 9075 (1994)]
 Ctensor3Symmetric traceless rank-2 tensor in 3D
 CTetrahedronTetrahedron rotation group
 CtiledBlockMatrixA block matrix formed by repeating (tiling) a dense matrix along the diagonal
 CTranslationOperatorAbstract base class for translation operators
 CTranslationOperatorFourierThe exact translation operator in PW basis, although much slower and with potential ringing issues
 CTranslationOperatorSplineTranslation operator which works in real space using interpolating splines
 CVDWCouplingVan der Waals coupling between atoms from electronic DFT and fluid density fields
 Cvector3Generic 3-vector
 CWannierCompute Maximally-Localized Wannier Functions
 CWannierEverythingVersion of Everything with Wannier added
 CWannierMinimizerBase class for different wannier minimizers:
 CWignerSeitzWigner-Seitz construction for a 3D lattice (2D lattice may be handled with orthogonal 3rd direction)
 CYlmProdTermTerm in real spherical harmonic expansion of a product of two real spherical harmonics